name='keywords'/> WhiteOak's World: 2019

My Favorite Saying...

"Life is filled with magick, if we allow our eyes to see it"

Monday, October 21, 2019

Have you walked in my Shoes?

There have been so many times in my life where people feel they can just talk to me about anything.  I really feel blessed in that department, because although I have F**ked up a lot in my life time, I try my very best to keep things to myself when people talk to me and about my own personal life.  There is ONE episode someone told me something, and I repeated it to someone not because it was gossip but because of my ego and fear was afraid that person would love someone else more than me.  That is not something I talk about, it happened many, many moons ago... and I am still paying Karma for it, in my heart and mind!  That is a situation I will never be able to fix,  I know that, and the others involved know that. But in that process it taught me a huge lesson, a lesson that to this day I live by.  

With the exception of that ONE episode, people truly do talk to me about some of the most amazing things, and also things I wouldn't know what to do about even if I could try, but that is some where we will not go... for sure!  Anyway, Lately, sickness, lost, being unbalanced, depression, mental disorders, and many related things have been told to me, shared with me, and the common denominator of everything is need for understanding why things are happening the way they are.  In my last post I wrote an article called Why if you are interested in reading it. This post is along the same lines but not exactly... this post is about "Walking in someone else's Shoes".

Many of us can speculate, relate and think we can understand what someone is going through.  But actually, it is not until you are able to walk in that person's shoes could you truly understand... And since it is almost impossible to walk in another person's shoes... the bottom line is we really cannot understand to the full capacity of what someone is going through. 

Many of us know people online and off line, that is battling different types of cancer.  I know what it is like to take care of someone with cancer. I know how tired a person can get, both physical and mentally.  I have seen the excitement of remission, and the sadness of death from cancer.  We feel, we give compassion, we give support, we do everything possible that we can do to help.  But the fact remains, those of us who have taking care of a loved one with cancer, do not know the horrible feeling that goes into your body with chemo.. or the horrible feeling after the treatments.  We sit there for hours watching our loved one sleep peacefully under a warm blanket while chemo is slowly being injected in them.  We cry for them, with them, we scream in silence because we want to be brave for them... but we are not wearing their shoes, nor are we able to hear their silent screams of fear and worry. 

Mental illness, disorders or however you want to refer to it, is the same thing. When you are battling a mental disorder, I have actually heard people say to others... just stand up, dust off your ass and move on.. often they feel that depression, anxiety and other mental disorders are self inflicted attention grabbers.   How F**king ignorant people can be!  So those with mental disorders, just decide to go to the grocery store... trying very carefully to go down isles where there are no people just to have a battle of anxiety hit them... where they feel like their heart is trying to jump out of their chest, they break out in a cold sweat, or their legs become weak and their hands start shaking.. just to get attention?? Get F**king real! Or what about the days, a person gets up, feeling drained, tired like they haven't slept in a month, they have no energy to do anything, do not want to see nor talk to anyone?  Are they too trying to grab attention?

However, what about those times when a person speaks very bluntly to another person.. and that person becomes shocked and thinks you flipped your damn ass, because they cannot understand why the other person is so upset with them? People cannot understand what a person is mentally going through or thinking, unless you are walking in their shoes AND AGAIN that is impossible to do.  Many artist, writers, spiritual people and yes, healers... have different outlets that they try to use to help other people understand what could be going on in their mind... sometimes people can somewhat understand, other times they just don't.

People with mental disorders, and/or diseases like cancer... have to train their mind to see and hear 'life' differently than the quote, unquote normal people. There are very, very good days, and there are very bad days for people who suffers with disorders/diseases.  The whole point of this blog post is just to say, please do not think people with mental disorders are just out there to get attention..  Mental disorders are real, they are hurtful, you suffer terribly, you hurt the ones you love and you damn sure are not looking for attention.  

Each of us who deals with things like this, understand each and every one of us, deals with things in our own way... a way that is right for us as individuals.  Right, Wrong, Indifferent, it does not matter... We are trying to survive the best way we can.  Yes, I fall under this category... others who suffer the same thing as I do, understands none of us will ever know what it is like to walk in other peoples shoes - at best we can relate to the circumstance the best way we can.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


In life we often wonder why... Why do things have to be this way, or that way.  Why do some beliefs entwine with each other sometimes in a soft gentle flow and other times it feels like they are drowning in quick sand with nothing to hold on to.

Sometimes, I think maybe it is acceptance... we become bias to the fact that what "We" think or feel should be the way others should think or feel.  And when that does not happen, a vicious cycle of chaos echos so loudly in our minds we often feel like we are lost or walking a road with no end, nor no beginning. Why?

They say blood is thicker than water... in a sense that is true; in reality... symbolically speaking it is a crock of shit. We all live this life walking different paths, there is nothing- not one damn thing wrong with that.. actually, that is the way life should be.... but because one person thinks, feels, hears, and/or sees differently, than why all of a sudden does life become so chaotic? Again, "Why"?

How often do we bite our tongues, in fear of saying the wrong thing, to the wrong person? How often do we speak our minds not really giving a shit who hears or who don't? Life, with its array of chaotic energy gets tiring... why bother to try this, or try that.  Say this or say that? Why? Why? Why?

Life is filled with two kinds of people.. those who see and those who don't. Those who hear, and those who don't. Those who accept, and those who don't.  Online, behind these screens- that tap into the huge world of everything.. a person can say, do, pretend all they want... who cares?  Often if people begins to get too much shit, they just change their online name and start all over again. But in the end, you will say, or do something and people will begin to realize who you are.

When you are younger and Elders say things to you like, you will understand once you grow up... or you will see - the older you get the less you begin to care.  Who cares if you do this, or do that?  What many people do not understand is; this is all true.  The older I get, the less I give a shit about mind games and people being assholes.  I stay in my little world, and I am okay with that... but when people start treating others different or badly that I care for, that changes the game.

What defines family, or relationships? Acceptance? If so, Why? In order for anybody to be comfortable with their self, they need to be able to look into the mirror and be okay with who they see.  If you are a hater and you can still look in the mirror and can be okay.. good for you! Karma is a bitch! No matter what path you walk, there is some kind of karma always waiting, it does not matter what you call it, its all the same F**king thing!

I am not totally convinced mankind is capable of unconditional anything. Many people would like to think they are... but they are not.  Somewhere in the back part of their mind they keep track of the times you have F**ked up.  I do not believe I am capable of anything unconditional... I would like to believe I was, but I am not. That's why I love my two furry children so much.. I can scold them, and although it may hurt their feelings after a few minutes they are right there giving love again.

So why? Why write this kind of post? Because today, I am truly tired of a lot of bullshit and sick of wondering why!! I have messed up a lot in my days, and I have lived up to it, I have paid my karma and I am still paying my karma, but you know what... the bottom line is, when I look into the mirror, I am okay with who I see!  Stubborn, Yes! Strong Willed, Yes! Pretty outspoken, Yes! Try to take people's feelings under consideration, Yes! But never try to bullshit me-or fest up in front of people and back away like a coward when you are alone to me ... I actually feel sorry for folks like that!!

Do you ever wonder why?

Friday, June 21, 2019

Path with Many Branches

I have been on my path for many, many moons, and throughout that time, I have studied many different pagan beliefs.  I do NOT and I can promise I WOULD NEVER follow just one thing. All of my life, I have been like a sponge wanting to learn everything I could. Have I paid for it down the road, oh hell yes I have! Have I changed anything? Hell No!   People will always fear what they do not understand.  If they do not have the courage to read and study about beliefs.. so fucking be it. Not my problem. I live my life for me, I am the one who will walk the last mile of my journey alone.. so what damn difference does it make to anyone how I decide to live my life?

I have many different kinds of friends,,all individuals, all unique, all their own person. Do they live by socially rules? Maybe sometimes, maybe not.. its their business.  That is the thing, most people cannot get into their minds.... each of use are different, many of us will never be a little sheep, following others to fit in. Who gives a shit?  I remember in school, all of the girly girls wanted to sit around so they wouldn't get their clothes dirty, while others didn't care. If that is how the girls wanted to be... so what? (Oh, in case you are wondering.. I was not one of those little girl!!)

In the past two weeks, I have had a ton of reality issues slap me in the face, and guess what.. that is not fun. Will I get through it, yeah, the best way I can. Will it change me... in some ways yes, it has-not so much changed as my eyes have been open to a lot things, things I believe I have chosen not to see. But I will not change a damn thing about myself to suit anyone, group, opinions or situation.

Now I will step off of my soap box, and share a few things I have going on at my shop this weekend.  I have a lot of different items that fits 'Most' paths, not all.  At the moment I am trying to stock my hoodoo section.  This week I will be adding Spikenard Cologne, this Jackpot Money Spray, A few more Hem Air Fresheners... I am adding several new herbs, I have made Yemaya Powders, charged for Fertility. Really.. there is just things being added each week. 

For all of you that visit the shop Blessed Solstice!! I hope you have a beautiful weekend.  I hope I am on your list to come visit me... until than.. Sending all of you many hugs!!!

For those who do not live near me, I do have an eCrater store:  WhiteOak Art Designs & More  I do not a fraction of what my store has but if you are looking for something not listed on the site, I am sure I carry it.  Hopefully, I will have my site updated one of these days (laughs).

Blessed Be,

Thursday, June 6, 2019

It has been way to long!

Hello World!  Remember me from a zillion years ago, when I use to blog all of the time? Good grief where do I even begin to start telling you about all of the changes in my life since I last spoken to any of you!

Well, as you can see, I do not write a fraction of what I use to, I do not do as much photography or art, wow I do not even do YouTube videos anymore (although I am thinking about starting that again). *Laughs* okay, but that does not mean I just sit on my ass and do nothing these days!

I actually have a wonderful little store that holds my heart and soul. It is only open to days a week, yet I work seven days a week on it?  WHAT?  Yeah, I am always doing things to my shop. So let me tell you a little or a lot about it.

I used to have a shop years ago at J&J Flea Market called "EarthCrafts" but I closed it and went through a HUGE life change.  In 2014 I lost my husband to Cancer, and stayed a year in limbo, went to therapy and finally started to get my shit together in 2016. 

In April of 2017 I opened a new store back at J&J Flea Market except this time it is a dream come true! I have the kind of store I have always wanted and could not have ever gotten it to the point where it is without my guy David!

WhiteOak Art Designs & More is the name of it, It is a Goth/Spiritual Store. I sell everything from skulls to herbs.. hoodoo to angels... It is actually my heart and soul.  I have met some of the most fantastic people, customers who are now friends. I have a wonderful Tarot Reader his name is Steven.  I will write a blog post telling you the story of how Steven and his partner James have become such a huge part of the store... James often shares it with the customers. 

Let me share a few links with you:  WhiteOak Art Designs & More on Google,  I still have my eCrater Store online, trying to get it updated but not enough hours in a day sometimes.  Plus I have another online store called Ethereal it is a complete new line of body care. This is my business Facebook Page.  And this is Steven's Facebook page. 

Just to show you a few pictures:

So that is a tease of a few things I have in the store. I believe I will write my next blog post focusing on the Hoodoo items I have for sale.   Until next world... please leave a comment, or drop by if you are local or traveling through.. If you click on the Google Page, you can get directions to the shop no matter where you are.